Robert Pimm, a lawyer and the Chief Learning Officer and Director of Legal Services for California Lawyers for the Arts (CLA), explained to Left Coast Writers that CLA provides lawyer referrals, dispute resolution services, educational programs, publications and a...
Andy Ross, at Andy Ross Literary Agency, recommends checking out these sources: Association of Authors’ Representatives, a professional organization of more than 400 agents., “The internet’s largest free database of literary...
I’ve been hearing a lot about the book, Your First 1000 Copies, The Step-by-Step Guide to Marketing Your Book, by Tim Grahl. It’s getting some wildly positive reviews, and might be helpful for new authors — but be sure to read the “critical”...
Book Passage is one of the world’s great independent bookstores, with many programs to support both readers and writers. Their Path to Publishing program is designed to help authors learn more about their publishing options and to assist them in pursuing the...
BAIPA is a group of authors, small publishers, and service providers who share their tremendous amount of knowledge about publishing. They meet monthly in Novato, CA. I’ve learned so much at BAIPA meetings — I wish I’d known about them and started going to...
Betsy is a speaking coach who specializes in helping authors prepare their presentations. I hired her to help me clarify what I wanted to say — and how to say it — when I launched Lost, Kidnapped, Eaten Alive!, and I recommend her enthusiastically. Betsy is also an...
Left Coast Writers is an excellent organization for writers, focusing on craft and marketing. Salons are held at Book Passage in Corte Madera (a few miles north of San Francisco, CA), usually at 7 p.m. on the first Monday of the...
Quatrain PR is a public relations agency specializing in generating publicity for books and authors. Kaye McKinzie at Quatrain taught me a tremendous amount about how to launch my book, and I enthusiastically recommend her to anyone thinking of hiring a book...
The Book Alchemist is a book packager providing custom design for book covers and interiors. Part of a larger design studio, they also produce other materials to help with selling your book. The Book Alchemist designed and produced my book (cover and inside, both...