Start Here for a Successful Book Launch
You can use this site in several ways:
- Read through to get an understanding of what’s involved in a successful book launch.
- Refer to the Book Launch Timeline and (coming soon) other tools for organization.
- Read Case Histories to get ideas for your own launch.
- Use the Resources section to find people and organizations who can help with your launch.
A few caveats:
- This site is a work in progress. Please subscribe (see the sidebar) to be notified as I add and update content.
- The timing suggested here is for indie authors who are using a print-on-demand system to produce and ship their books. If you’re planning to use a traditional printer, you’ll want to do things a little differently (allow more time, determine your initial print run, plan differently for distribution and fulfillment).
- The examples and case histories used here are from real, typical, authors. They are not “outliers” who rocketed to fame and fortune astride a silver bullet. What worked (or not) for them is likely to work (or not) for you.
- I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, and many of the resources I mention are local. We have a very active community of authors and publishers here, but you can also (probably) find resources near where you live.
- I don’t receive a finder’s fee from any of the resources mentioned here, but some of the people I’ve worked with have become good friends, and the Book Alchemist is my husband.
- If you’re wondering who I am, and how I learned about best practices for launching books, check out the About Me page.
OK; ready to organize your book launch?
Here’s what you need to do first …