There will be a lot going on at your big launch party, so don’t try to do it all yourself. Your friends have been listening to you talking about this for a long time now; recruit them to help:
- Video your presentation (for social media sharing later).
- Take pictures, post live on social media.
- Introduce you (ideally, someone famous who can help pull in a crowd). This is also a way to “give back” to your audience, who will be excited to be in the presence of someone well-known, whether it’s your beloved old high school teacher or a big celebrity.
- Greet people, sit at the signing table with you (introduce or reintroduce people, ask people to write their names on post-it notes, move chatty people along, ask people to sign up for your newsletter).
- Serve food, pour beverages.
- Sell books (if you’re not at a bookstore).
- Help with set-up and clean-up (especially if food is involved).