Congratulations; the heavy lifting is done!
You’ve got the masterplan under control, you’ve developed collateral materials, and you’ve set up your systems. But there’s still a lot to do at 3 to 5 months before your launch. Use the links for more info:
- Take advantage of short-lead press opportunities
- Ramp up your social media presence
- Send media kits/review kits
- Set up your author accounts
- Consider a Goodreads giveaway
- Update your website
- Initiate pre-launch sales strategy
- Apply for contests/awards
Remember that you may decide not to do everything on these lists. I certainly didn’t—because I didn’t know exactly what to do and hadn’t allowed enough time to do it. But I had a successful launch anyway. Here’s the last timeline list: What to do 1 to 2 months pre-launch …